أطباء - ساحل الخليج
Online Therapy Available
دكتور تيري دورناك ، Psy.D.، CCATP
اخصائي نفسي اكلينيكي | المدير السريري
حصلت على دكتوراه في علم النفس وماجستير في الآداب من مدرسة شيكاغو لعلم النفس المهني. لقد اكتسبت خبرتي العلاجية ليس فقط من خلال العمل في أماكن العيادة الخاصة ولكن أيضًا من خلال العمل في البيئات السكنية.
هدفي هو أن يشعر كل شخص يدخل مكتبي مريح ومقبول. أحترم ثقافة كل فرد وجنسه وعرقه وهويته الجنسية. أنا متحمس لمجالي وأعتقد أن كل فرد يأتي إلى مكتبي فريد من نوعه. أستخدم نهجًا متكاملًا يتضمن العلاج السلوكي المعرفي والعلاج السلوكي الديالكتيكي والتقنيات الديناميكية النفسية. أعمل مع كل عميل لتصميم خطة علاج تلبي احتياجاته وأهدافه الشخصية. أنا أستمتع بالعمل مع الأطفال والمراهقين والبالغين ، وأقدم العلاج الفردي والعائلي وكذلك العلاقات.
لدي خبرة وتدريب مكثف في علاج اضطرابات المزاج واضطرابات الشخصية والقلق وتعاطي المخدرات والغضب. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، أنا متخصص في علاج الصراعات النفسية المرتبطة بشكل متكرر بالألم المزمن بما في ذلك القلق والاكتئاب والتوتر وصعوبات العلاقات. أنا متخصص أيضًا في علاج اكتئاب ما بعد الولادة والعقم.
أرحب بتعليقات عملائي. عندما يشعر العميل أن أسلوبًا معينًا لا يعمل ، أشجعه على إخباري حتى نتمكن من العمل معًا للعثور على تقنية أخرى قد تعمل بشكل أفضل. أعتقد أن العلاج هو بالتأكيد جهد جماعي.
Dr. Kristin Amicone, Psy.D.
Post-Doctoral Psychology Fellow
Finding balance in this unpredictable world can sometimes seem unachievable. Together, we can find a balance that best fits you. My goal for therapy is teaching you the skills needed to find your balance so you can flourish in your daily life. Whatever your journey has been, I will help you implement knowledge and tools to overcome barriers from the past, present, and future. I am here to listen from a neutral perspective with expertise in psychological health and the influence it can have on the rest of our biological system. My clinical skills reflect all ages across the lifespan as I have worked with children, adolescents, adults, and older adults. With this, I am flexible in aiding in treatment among various cohorts and in a multitude of settings.
Through my training in health service psychology at Kansas City University, I was able to work closely with medical students in training to become knowledgeable in the process of collaborative care. I am willing to work with you and any of your providers to ensure advocacy for your comprehensive wellbeing. You will not feel alone or unheard throughout our treatment together as I will work collaboratively with you to ensure the best care.
The evidence-based treatments I commonly use in practice include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI), solution-focused therapy (SFT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and cognitive processing therapy (CPT). I am well versed in neurocognitive deficit interventions, mood disturbances, substance use interventions, and trauma processing. Additionally, I have done extensive research in women’s health issues including PMDD, postpartum depression and anxiety, and other menstrual conditions.
Online therapy provided in Florida and Illinois for adolescents, adults, and older adults
Dr. Breanne Taylor, PsyD
Post-Doctoral Psychology Fellow
I believe that the therapeutic relationship is paramount in fostering change. It is through an open, nonjudgmental, and safe environment that clients can explore and grow into their most authentic selves and lead more fulfilling lives. My approach emphasizes how our past and present experiences shape how we relate to others and the world around us. I work with children, adolescents, and adults, and utilize an integrative and collaborative approach that incorporates aspects of Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Feminist, Relational, and Strengths-Based approaches.
I am an LGBTQ+ affirming and sex positive therapist who welcomes clients who are part of the kink and poly/consensual non-monogamy communities. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Central Florida and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
I have extensive experience in various settings, including substance abuse facilities, community mental health centers, and therapeutic day schools. I work with a range of concerns such as anxiety, depression, substance use, trauma, developmental disorders, impulse control, and relationship challenges. I am now also offering online therapy to better support my clients.
Dr. Imuentiyan Igbinosun, PsyD
Post-Doctoral Psychology Fellow
In life, people look for answers and I believe the answers lie within each of us. I strive to help individuals make their thoughts and goals clearer so that individuals can find answers during times of heavy clouds and dark skies. Through processing, learning effective tools, and techniques to manage high stress and anxiety, I work with my clients to get them to a more comprehensive sense of self. That self they have always dreamed of being and that self they, unconsciously, already are. In doing so, processing the past and the present to develop how my clients want their future to look will be a journey of healing and finding balance.
Through online therapy, I work from an integrative approach primarily utilizing Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic interventions with Cognitive Behavioral and Dialectical Behavioral theories. I am extensively trained in Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic and Dialectical Behavioral therapies. I strive to help individuals identify patterns in current relationships and behaviors that stem from past experiences, both from past attachment, as well as environmentally learned. I take a collaborative approach through processing, learning effective tools, and applying techniques to manage high stress and anxiety. I have experience working with adults struggling with depression, anxiety, mood difficulties, trauma-related concerns, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, phase of life adjustments, personality disorders, identity and LGBTQIA+ related concerns.
I earned my doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Adler University in Chicago, IL and my master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University, Chicago, IL. I have worked in private practices, intensive outpatient programs and college counseling settings as I enjoy working with young adults, middle-aged adults, individually, couples and in group therapy.
سانتينا بيانكو ، إل بي سي
كانت جامعة أدلر مهمة بالنسبة لي بسبب تركيزها على العدالة الاجتماعية والمشاركة المجتمعية. كوني جزءًا من مجتمع شيكاغو قد فتح عيني لأنني أصلاً من بلدة صغيرة. كوني سمكة صغيرة في بركة كبيرة أتاح لي الفرص والخبرات التي أشعر أنها ساعدتني على النمو كمستشار.
لقد اكتسبت خبرة علاجية من العمل في البيئات السكنية مثل مدارس شيكاغو العامة ومراكز إقامة الأحداث ومراكز الأزمات. شغفي ينطوي على العمل مع الأطفال والمراهقين والشباب مع تعزيز التنوع. أقدم العلاج الفردي والجماعي والأسري. تتكون خبرتي من معالجة مجموعة من مشكلات الصحة العقلية بما في ذلك الاكتئاب والقلق واضطراب السلوك واضطراب العناد الشارد واضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط الحركة (ADHD) واضطراب التكيف والغضب.
نهجي متكامل يجمع بين الممارسات القائمة على الأدلة بما في ذلك العلاج الذي يركز على العميل ، والعلاج السلوكي المعرفي ، والعلاج السلوكي الجدلي ، والعلاج Adlerian. يشمل مجال تخصصي استخدام العلاج باللعب. العلاج باللعب هو أسلوب علاج نفسي يستخدم في المقام الأول لمساعدة الأفراد على التعبير بحرية عن مشاعرهم وأفكارهم من خلال استخدام اللعب. اللعب العلاجي هو وسيلة بالنسبة لي لمساعدة الأفراد في القضايا الأكاديمية أو السلوكية أو الاجتماعية أو العاطفية مع أولئك الذين يعبرون عن التواصل بشكل مختلف. التواصل اللفظي ليس متاحًا لنا جميعًا ويمكن أن يكون مخيفًا. أفضل التعرف على شخص ما أثناء القيام بشيء نشط أو ممتع.
شغفي هو مساعدة عملائي للوصول إلى أقصى إمكاناتهم باستخدام قوتهم لتعزيز الاستقلال. يتضمن أسلوبي في العلاج مقابلة عملائي حيث هم حاليًا. هدفي هو تقديم تجربة استشارية فريدة وحقيقية حيث يمكن للمرء أن يشعر بالقبول لكونه على طبيعته. أسعى لتوفير مساحة آمنة وتعاونية للمساعدة في تطوير الثقة لتسهيل نمو العلاقة العلاجية.
Jing Han, LPC
I believe we’re naturally good and unfortunately taught to feel shame, worthlessness, inadequacy, and the ideas of “bad” and “wrong”. I’m dedicated to providing a non-judgmental environment to support clients, explore their situations, and achieve their goals. I strive to hear and understand your feelings, past and current experiences, as well as to provide information and new coping strategies to help you deal with your concerns, difficulties, and struggles. We will sort out what’s going on in your life and sort it out together.
I received my Master’ degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Adler University. I have received training in CBT, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, and personality disorders treatment and management. It is my goal to keep enlarging my toolbox in order to provide more efficient and effective support to my clients.
The differences between cultures, languages, and environments may cause frustration or even conflict, and having new information and ways to handle them will create fresh insights and help you accomplish your goals. I hope after every session my client feel more confident, having healthier boundaries, and enjoy their lives more.
I offer therapy to individuals, couples, and families in English, Mandarin, and Japanese.
Brittany Bogdajewicz, LPC
We all have unique innate strengths that create our inner awesomeness. However, sometimes we forget or lack the skills to nurture these qualities when we are consumed by the chaos of our day-to-day lives. By recognizing and developing these qualities we will come to recognize and “own our awesome.” Together, we will take the first steps on your journey to maximize your full potential. We‘ll identify and work on areas where you get stuck, to increase your alignment with your values, as we develop practices that create life-changing shifts and lasting results.
I am a licensed professional counselor. I completed my Master of Education in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from DePaul University in Chicago. Throughout my career, I’ve held positions in outpatient therapy and residential treatment programs. I have worked with diverse populations and ages including adolescents and teens, adults, and individuals with chronic mental health and physical health issues. I use an integrative approach of strengths-based, person-centered, and psychodynamic techniques. I strongly believe in the importance of the therapeutic alliance and that clients should feel safe and supported. Each session we will collaborate on your treatment to help you meet your personal needs and goals.
I am happy to offer online therapy for my clients.